Sunday, September 26, 2010

Decorated like Christmas

I feel the need to post the slightly weird part of Japanese car culture and its not necessarily a car. In Japan semi truck drivers create works of art on their trucks, which is called "Dekorta" or (decoration truck) but they take it to the extreme by adding massive amounts of neon lights to the exterior and interior of the truck, painting the trucks with elaborate paint jobs, and chrome parts anywhere they see fit. Some of them almost look like transformers from a distance, which makes sense because some of them base their designs off of it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A good portion of those make me think of Las Vegas on wheels! Other than that, I think a few of the semis may be a little too extravagant, but some have just the right amount of flash. It would be interesting to see some of them here in the states.

  3. You have some great videos on your blog! I couldn't believe the amount of time, money, and work Japanese drivers put into their trucks. If I saw someone selling vegetables out of one of those I would definately become a customer!
